100[5.7%] – Do you know what is this?


100[5.7%]: Do you know what is this?


Yes,. It is not that sweet as it sounds a very fatal to human body. Eats up body like book –worms damaging every parts right from eyes to legs. It is better to be safe from this instead of suffer by caught with it. It is better to keep control our sugar levels in fasting 100 mg/dl and 2hrs after meal 140mg/dl. And our glucose levels in average for 3 months should be below HB AC 5.7%. If the glucose levels in fasting 100 to 125 mg/dl and after meals 140 to 160 mg/dl [hbac1c 5.5-6.5%]should be consider that it is in pre diabetic stage. That is if you didn’t take care you may be fall in to the diabetes. If the sugar levels are increasing crossing 125mg/dl in fasting and 200mg/dl and above [hba1c 6.5%] may confirm that diabetic attacked. Generally the foods we eat get digested and turn in to glucose and reaches to muscles and cells through blood.

So only the muscles get energy. Insulin hormone plays a vital role in this process. This hormone facilitates to the muscles to absorb glucose. If problem arise in releasing sufficient insulin or if the body cannot utilize the insulin that produced the glucose in blood will not reach to cells and remains in blood which is called diabetes. If the levels of glucose increases in blood vessels gets damaged. As a result heart attack, paralysis, eye problems, damage of veins may arise. Many people are in belief of only people with obesity may get diabetes. But it not totally correct. This problem may attack even lean people.

We can avoid this danger by changing our life style By consuming vegetables, and fruits consuming less fats and sweets we may avoid the problem about 50%. And can keep diabetes distant for long it can benefit to prevent bad effects on health.

What is obesity? How do you define it?

Obesity is a quicksand. Thoroughfare to Many health disorders. Nowadays it noticed that obesity is also considering as a health disorder. Because it carries many disorders like BP, Diabetes, snoring breathless ness in sleep, acidity, joints pains, and last but not least cancers. So should keep our body weight under control. The body mass index is very important regarding our weight. It is advisable it lies between 18 -23. If it crosses 25-29 it can be considered as overweight.

If BMS crosses above 30 it is obesity and above 35 it totally unhealthy obesity. How to measure BMS? First you should multiply your weight with your weigh in meters. Later divide it with your weight. It has a simple method, measure your weight in centimeters and subtract your weight from it. For example if your height is 160cms you subtract 100cms from it like 160-100cm =60 that means your weight is 60kgs and the BMS will be 23.

The perimeter of waist is also important. Should take care to not exceed 35 inches for female and in case of male it should not be cross 40 inches. If it crosses that the danger of health disorders like heart diseases, resistance to insulin, life process disorders may increase. To diagnose them the ratio between hip and waist is will be useful. First have to measure the waist at its lean part and at bulge part in hip. And divide waist perimeter with hip perimeter. If the ratio is above 0.90 inches in males and 0.85 inches in females it can be think as index for life process disorders.

Cholesterol, the threatening danger. It is the main reason for blocks in blood vessels. As ong as it is in under control it will not cause any danger. Indeed it is necessary for our body to some extent. Body itself develop it even we don’t take food. Cholesterol is useful for muscle health, plays key role in production of D vitamin and production of bile juice for digestion etc. Like many benefits .But it causes dangers when it gets uncontrolled. So should take care to see that it should be under control.

It is better to see the cholesterol level in blood should be below 200mg/dl. Again in this the bad cholesterol [LDL] should be below 130mg/dl, because it damages blood vessels. And good Cholesterol[HDL]should be above50mg/dl. It brings out the bad cholesterol which deposited in blood vessels and other body parts and will brings to liver. Also we should not forget about triglycerides not only they turns in energy but help to increase cholesterol levels. That means by controlling triglycerides can control the cholesterol levels. It is better if the triglycerides level is below 100mg/dl. Better if it is 150mg/dl. If it exceeds will lead to heart diseases. We can keep cholesterol under control by inculcating some habitual changes like keep weight under control, doing exercise regularly, leaving alcohol and smoking, reducing consumption of fats and oils etc.

200-900,..What is this?

B”complex deficiency,..
B12 vitamin is the most important among the vitamins which our body required. It helps many important works in body. B12 is very essential for the production of red blood cells which carry’s oxygen to muscles. So if this vitamin is less there arises problem of anaemia in body. As a result severe tiredness, weakness, will arise. Due to B12 deficiency damage in vessels, efficiency of brain will damage, absent mindedness will arise. Reduces the production of new cells, the symptoms of old age is also arising. So we have to take care to see that in blood the levels of B12 should be above. 200-900 pico grms if it comes down below 200 it should be consider it as b12 vitamin deficiency.

B12 vitamin production is completely in meat and animal products. It will not in vegetarian foods. In non-veg it obtains plenty in liver. So if you r non-vegetarians should consume meat and fish. You may take eggs 2,3 times in a week. If you are vegetarians it can be filled with milk and curd. By taking food in correct time, taking balanced diet, keep yourself away from alcohol and smoking we can avoid the problem of B12 vitamin deficiency. If the problem is severe we can fill the deficiency by injections and tablets.




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